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List of features shipped with Yazi.

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  • Scrollable Preview

    Preview various types of files, and scroll the content of file while previewing.

  • Visual Mode & Bulk Rename

    Bulk select files in visual mode, and rename them.

  • Vim-like Input & Select Component

    Quickly edit filename in the Input, and choose how to open it in the Select.

  • Multi-Tab & fzf, zoxide

    Collaborate across multiple tabs, and use fzf, zoxide for quick jumps.

  • Multi-Select & Task Management

    Select multiple files individually, perform copy, cut, etc. Which are scheduled by the task system, providing real-time progress reports and task cancellation.

  • Incremental Find

    Find files incrementally in real-time, with the current position and number of all matches displayed.

  • Search

    Search by name using fd, by content using rg, and perform arbitrary operations on the results.