Quick Start
Once you've installed Yazi, start the program with:
Press q to quit, F1 or ~ to open the help menu.
Shell wrapper
We suggest using this y
shell wrapper that provides the ability to change the current working directory when exiting Yazi.
- Bash / Zsh
- Fish
- Nushell
- Elvish
- PowerShell
- Command Prompt
- Xonsh
function y() {
local tmp="$(mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")" cwd
yazi "$@" --cwd-file="$tmp"
if cwd="$(command cat -- "$tmp")" && [ -n "$cwd" ] && [ "$cwd" != "$PWD" ]; then
builtin cd -- "$cwd"
rm -f -- "$tmp"
function y
set tmp (mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")
yazi $argv --cwd-file="$tmp"
if set cwd (command cat -- "$tmp"); and [ -n "$cwd" ]; and [ "$cwd" != "$PWD" ]
builtin cd -- "$cwd"
rm -f -- "$tmp"
def --env y [...args] {
let tmp = (mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")
yazi ...$args --cwd-file $tmp
let cwd = (open $tmp)
if $cwd != "" and $cwd != $env.PWD {
cd $cwd
rm -fp $tmp
edit:add-var y~ {|@argv|
use str
use os
use file
var tmp = (os:temp-file)
yazi $@argv --cwd-file=$tmp[name]
var cwd = (str:trim-space (slurp < $tmp))
file:close $tmp
os:remove $tmp[name]
if (and (not-eq $cwd '') (not-eq $cwd $pwd)) {
cd $cwd
function y {
$tmp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
yazi $args --cwd-file="$tmp"
$cwd = Get-Content -Path $tmp -Encoding UTF8
if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($cwd) -and $cwd -ne $PWD.Path) {
Set-Location -LiteralPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($cwd))
Remove-Item -Path $tmp
Create the file y.cmd
and place it in your %PATH%
@echo off
set tmpfile=%TEMP%\yazi-cwd.%random%
yazi %* --cwd-file="%tmpfile%"
:: If the file does not exist, then exit
if not exist "%tmpfile%" exit /b 0
:: If the file exist, then read the content and change the directory
set /p cwd=<"%tmpfile%"
if not "%cwd%"=="" (
cd /d "%cwd%"
del "%tmpfile%"
def _y(args):
tmp = $(mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")
$[yazi @(args)]
with open(tmp) as f:
cwd = f.read().strip()
if cwd != $PWD:
cd @(cwd)
rm -f -- @(tmp)
aliases["y"] = _y
To use it, copy the function into the configuration file of your respective shell.
Then use y
instead of yazi
to start, and press q to quit, you'll see the CWD changed. Sometimes, you don't want to change, press Q to quit.
For all keybindings, see the default keymap.toml
To navigate between files and directories you can use the arrow keys ←, ↓, ↑ and → or Vim-like keys such as h, j, k, l:
Key binding | Alternate key | Action |
k | ↑ | Move the cursor up |
j | ↓ | Move the cursor down |
l | → | Enter hovered directory |
h | ← | Leave the current directory and into its parent |
Further navigation commands can be found in the table below.
Key binding | Action |
K | Seek up 5 units in the preview |
J | Seek down 5 units in the preview |
g ⇒ g | Move cursor to the top |
G | Move cursor to the bottom |
z | Cd to a directory via zoxide |
Z | Cd to a directory or reveal a file via fzf |
To select files and directories, the following commands are available.
Key binding | Action |
Space | Toggle selection of hovered file/directory |
v | Enter visual mode (selection mode) |
V | Enter visual mode (unset mode) |
Ctrl + a | Select all files |
Ctrl + r | Inverse selection of all files |
Esc | Cancel selection |
File operations
To interact with selected files/directories use any of the commands below.
Key binding | Action |
o | Open selected files |
O | Open selected files interactively |
Enter | Open selected files |
Shift + Enter | Open selected files interactively (some terminals don't support it yet) |
Tab | Show the file information |
y | Yank selected files (copy) |
x | Yank selected files (cut) |
p | Paste yanked files |
P | Paste yanked files (overwrite if the destination exists) |
Y or X | Cancel the yank status |
d | Trash selected files |
D | Permanently delete selected files |
a | Create a file (ends with / for directories) |
r | Rename selected file(s) |
. | Toggle the visibility of hidden files |
Further file operation commands can be found in the table below.
Key binding | Action |
; | Run a shell command |
: | Run a shell command (block until finishes) |
- | Symlink the absolute path of yanked files |
_ | Symlink the relative path of yanked files |
Ctrl + - | Hardlink yanked files |
Copy paths
To copy paths, use any of the following commands below.
Observation: c ⇒ d indicates pressing the c key followed by pressing the d key.
Key binding | Action |
c ⇒ c | Copy the file path |
c ⇒ d | Copy the directory path |
c ⇒ f | Copy the filename |
c ⇒ n | Copy the filename without extension |
Filter files
Key binding | Action |
f | Filter files |
Find files
Key binding | Action |
/ | Find next file |
? | Find previous file |
n | Go to the next found |
N | Go to the previous found |
Search files
Key binding | Action |
s | Search files by name using fd |
S | Search files by content using ripgrep |
Ctrl + s | Cancel the ongoing search |
To sort files/directories use the following commands.
Observation: , ⇒ a indicates pressing the , key followed by pressing the a key.
Key binding | Action |
, ⇒ m | Sort by modified time |
, ⇒ M | Sort by modified time (reverse) |
, ⇒ b | Sort by birth time |
, ⇒ B | Sort by birth time (reverse) |
, ⇒ e | Sort by file extension |
, ⇒ E | Sort by file extension (reverse) |
, ⇒ a | Sort alphabetically |
, ⇒ A | Sort alphabetically (reverse) |
, ⇒ n | Sort naturally |
, ⇒ N | Sort naturally (reverse) |
, ⇒ s | Sort by size |
, ⇒ S | Sort by size (reverse) |
, ⇒ r | Sort randomly |
Key binding | Action |
t | Create a new tab with CWD |
1, 2, ..., 9 | Switch to the N-th tab |
[ | Switch to the previous tab |
] | Switch to the next tab |
{ | Swap current tab with previous tab |
} | Swap current tab with next tab |
Ctrl + c | Close the current tab |
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