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Plugins (BETA)

You can extend Yazi's functionality through Lua plugins, which need to be placed in the plugins subdirectory of Yazi's configuration directory, so either:

  • ~/.config/yazi/plugins/ on Unix-like systems.
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\yazi\config\plugins\ on Windows.
├── init.lua
├── plugins/
│   ├── foo.yazi/
│   └── bar.yazi/
└── yazi.toml

Each plugin is a directory with a kebab-case name, ending in .yazi, and containing at least the following files:

├── init.lua


  • init.lua is the entry point of this plugin.
  • is the documentation of this plugin.
  • LICENSE is the license file for this plugin.


A plugin has two usages:

Functional plugin

You can bind a plugin command to a specific key in your keymap.toml with:

[name]The name of the plugin to run.
--args=[args]Shell-style arguments passed to the plugin.

For example, plugin test --args='hello --foo --bar=baz' will run the test plugin with the arguments hello --foo --bar=baz in a sync context.

To access the arguments in the plugin, use job.args:

TODO: add doc about @sync (--sync)

--- @sync entry
-- ~/.config/yazi/plugins/test.yazi/init.lua
return {
entry = function(self, job)
ya.err(job.args[1]) -- "hello"
ya.err( -- true
ya.err( -- "baz"

Note that currently Yazi only supports positional arguments (hello) and named arguments (--foo, --bar), it does not support shorthand arguments like -f or -b.

These will be treated as positional arguments, but as Yazi adds support for shorthands in the future, their behavior will change. So please avoid using them to prevent any potential conflicts.

Sync vs Async

The plugin system is designed with an async-first philosophy. Therefore, unless specifically specified, such as the --sync for the plugin command, all plugins run in an async context.

There is one exception - all init.lua are synchronous, which includes:

  • The init.lua for Yazi itself, i.e. ~/.config/yazi/init.lua.
  • The init.lua for each plugin, e.g. ~/.config/yazi/plugins/bar.yazi/init.lua.

This is because init.lua is commonly used to initialize plugin configurations, and this process is synchronous:

-- ~/.config/yazi/init.lua
require("bar"):setup {
key1 = "value1",
key2 = "value2",
-- ...
-- ~/.config/yazi/plugins/bar.yazi/init.lua
return {
setup = function(state, opts)
-- Save the user configuration to the plugin's state
state.key1 = opts.key1
state.key2 = opts.key2

Sync context

The sync context accompanies the entire app lifecycle, which is active during UI rendering (UI plugins), and on executing sync functional plugins (plugin command with --sync).

For better performance, the sync context is created only at the app's start and remains singular throughout. Thus, plugins running within this context share states, prompting plugin developers to use plugin-specific state persistence for their plugins to prevent global space contamination:

-- ~/.config/yazi/test.yazi/init.lua
return {
entry = function(state)
state.i = state.i or 0
ya.err("i = " .. state.i)

state.i = state.i + 1

Yazi initializes the state for each sync plugin before running, and it exists independently for them throughout the entire lifecycle. Do the plugin --sync test three times, and you will see the log output:

i = 0
i = 1
i = 2

Async context

When a plugin is executed asynchronously, an isolated async context is created for it automatically.

In this context, you can use all the async functions supported by Yazi, and it operates concurrently with the main thread, ensuring that the main thread is not blocked.

You can also obtain a small amount of app data from the sync context by calling a "sync function":

-- ~/.config/yazi/plugins/my-async-plugin.yazi/init.lua
local set_state = ya.sync(function(state, a)
-- You can get/set the state of the plugin through `state` parameter
-- in the `sync()` block
state.a = a

local get_state = ya.sync(function(state, b)
-- You can access all app data through the `cx`,
-- within the `sync()` block, in an async plugin
local h =
return h and state.a .. tostring(h.url) or b

return {
entry = function()
set_state("this is a")
local h = get_state("this is b")
-- Do some time-consuming work, such as reading file, network request, etc.
-- It will execute concurrently with the main thread

Note that ya.sync() call must be at the top level:

-- Wrong !!!
local get_state
if some_condition then
get_state = ya.sync(function(state)
-- ...



A previewer needs to return a table that implements the peek and seek methods. Both methods take a table parameter job and do not return any values:

local M = {}

function M:peek(job)
-- ...

function M:seek(job)
-- ...

return M

When the user presses j or k to switch between hovering files, peek is called, with:

areaRect of the available preview area.
argsArguments passed to the previewer.
fileFile to be previewed.
skipNumber of units to skip. The units depend on your previewer, such as lines for code and percentages for videos.

When the user presses J or K to scroll the preview of the file, seek is called, with:

fileFile being scrolled.
areaRect of the available preview area.
unitsNumber of units to scroll.

The task of peek is to draw in the preview area based on the values of file and skip. This process is asynchronous.

The task of seek is to change the value of skip based on user behavior and trigger peek again. It is synchronous, meaning you can access app data through cx.

There are some preset previewers and preloaders you can refer to: Yazi Preset Plugins


You need to return a table that implements the preload method:

local M = {}

function M:preload(job)
-- ...

return M

It receives a job parameter, which is a table:

areaRect of the available preview area.
argsArguments passed to the preloader.
fileFile to be preloaded.
skipAlways 0

And has the following return values:

0 00Failure, don't continue
0 11Success, don't continue
1 02Failure, continue
1 13Success, continue

When "continue" is set, the preloader can reload the files that have already been loaded at the next time point, such as when the user scrolls, leading to a page switch. This is usually done for the either:

  • Retrying in case of file loading failure
  • Refreshing the file status upon successful loading

Yazi will automatically invoke the preload concurrently for each file that matches the preload rules on the page.

Sendable value

Yazi's plugin can run concurrently on multiple threads. For better performance, only the following types of combinations can be used for inter-thread data exchange:

  • Nil
  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • Url
  • Table and nested tables, with the above types as values


Please ensure that your ~/.config/yazi/init.lua includes valid Lua code with the correct syntax, otherwise will result in Yazi being unable to parse and execute your init.lua to initialize.

We recommend installing a Lua plugin in your editor for syntax checking to avoid any syntax errors. For example, install the Lua plugin for VSCode, and for Neovim, use nvim-lspconfig to configure your Lua LSP.

If you have no experience with Lua, you can quickly get started through


If you want to debug some runtime data, use ya.dbg() and ya.err() to print what you want to debug to either:

  • ~/.local/state/yazi/yazi.log on Unix-like systems.
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\yazi\state\yazi.log on Windows.

Make sure to set the YAZI_LOG environment variable before starting Yazi:

YAZI_LOG=debug yazi

otherwise, no logs will be recorded. Its value can be (in descending order of verbosity):

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error