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The plugin system is still in the early stage, and most of the plugins below only guarantee compatibility with the latest code of Yazi!

Please make sure that both your Yazi and plugins are on the HEAD to ensure proper functionality!

πŸ–ΌοΈ Previewers​






  • ouch.yazi - An ouch plugin for Yazi, supporting preview and compression.


  • eza-preview.yazi - Preview directories using eza, can be switched between list and tree modes.


Jupyter notebooks:


🧩 Functional plugins​



  • bookmarks.yazi - A Yazi plugin that adds the basic functionality of Vi-like marks.
  • mactag.yazi - Bring macOS's awesome tagging feature to Yazi! The plugin is only available for macOS just like the name says.
  • simple-tag.yazi - Tagging feature for Linux, macOS and Windows!
  • yamb.yazi - Yet another bookmarks plugins. It supports persistence, jumping by a key, jumping by fzf.
  • bunny.yazi - Simple bookmarks menu with fuzzy searching and an option to mark a single directory.


File actions:

  • chmod.yazi - Execute chmod on the selected files to change their mode.
  • diff.yazi - Diff the selected file with the hovered file, create a living patch, and copy it to the clipboard.
  • compress.yazi - A Yazi plugin that compresses selected files to an archive.
  • ouch.yazi - An ouch plugin for Yazi, supporting preview and compression.
  • archivemount.yazi - Mounting and unmounting archives in yazi using archivemount.
  • fuse-archive - Mount and unmount archives transparently while navigating in yazi with fuse-archive.
  • reflink.yazi - Create reflinks to files.
  • rsync.yazi - Simple rsync copying locally and to remote servers.
  • what-size.yazi - Calculate total size of current selection or of current working directory.
  • lazygit.yazi - Manage Git directories with lazygit with a quick shortcut.
  • sudo.yazi - Execute specific file operations with sudo privileges.
  • restore.yazi - Restore/recover latest deleted files/folders using trash-cli.
  • simple-mtpfs.yazi - Mounting MTP devices (Android, Camera, etc) using simple-mtpfs (for Linux only).


filter enhancements:

  • smart-filter.yazi - Makes filters smarter: continuous filtering, automatically enter unique directory, open file on submitting.

enter enhancements:

  • bypass.yazi - Yazi plugin for skipping directories with only a single sub-directory.
  • fast-enter.yazi - Auto-decompress archives and enter them, or enter the deepest directory until it's not the only subdirectory.

shell enhancements:

General command enhancements:

  • augment-command.yazi - Enhances a few Yazi commands with better handling of the choice between selected items and the hovered item.

UI enhancements:

  • full-border.yazi - Add a full border to Yazi to make it look fancier.
  • toggle-pane.yazi - Toggle the show, hide, and maximize states for different panes: parent, current, and preview.
  • git.yazi - Show the status of Git file changes as linemode in the file list.
  • mount.yazi - A mount manager for Yazi, providing disk mount, unmount, and eject functionality.
  • starship.yazi - Starship prompt plugin for Yazi.
  • omp.yazi - oh-my-posh prompt plugin for Yazi.
  • yatline.yazi - Customize header-line and status-line with an easy configuration.
  • simple-status.yazi - Minimalistic status line with useful file attribute information.
  • no-status.yazi - Remove the status bar.
  • dual-pane.yazi - Dual pane navigation for Yazi like Vifm or midnight commander.
  • toggle-view.yazi - Toggle on or off the parent, current or preview panels.
  • pref-by-location.yazi - Save and restore linemode/sorting/hidden preferences based on directory location.

πŸš€ Preloaders​




  • mime-ext.yazi - A mime-type provider based on a file extension database, replacing the builtin file(1) to speed up mime-type retrieval at the expense of accuracy.

πŸ“ (Neo)vim plugins​


  • yazi.nvim - A Neovim plugin for the yazi terminal file manager.
  • tfm.nvim - Neovim plugin for terminal file manager integration.
  • fm-nvim - Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers.


πŸ“ Helix​

  • Yazelix - Adding a file tree to Helix & helix-friendly keybindings for Zellij
  • Zide - Group of configuration files and scripts to create an IDE-like experience in zellij

🐚 Shell plugins​

  • - Display an indicator in your prompt when running inside a yazi subshell.
  • custom-shell.yazi - Run any commands through your default system shell.
  • command.yazi - Display a prompt for executing yazi commands.

πŸ› οΈ Utilities​

  • icons-brew.yazi - Make a hot theme.toml for your Yazi icons with your favorite color palette.
  • lsColorsToToml - Generate the color rules for the [filetype] section in theme.toml based on your $LS_COLORS.

πŸ’– Add yours​

We are so happy to add your plugin to this page!

If your plugin meets the following requirements, please click "Edit this page" below to add it:

  • Functional - we will install and test it, since we want all links included on this page to be valid. If it's available only on a specific platform, a note should be added in the README.
  • Follow conventions - it should be a directory/repository ending with .yazi, and include the files listed in the plugin documentation.

If it's a Neovim or shell plugin, appending .nvim or .sh to the name to make it distinguishable is a best practice, but it's not required.