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Cha means one file's characteristics with the following properties:

  • is_dir - Whether this file is a directory
  • is_hidden - Whether this file is hidden (starts with a dot)
  • is_link - Whether this file is a symlink
  • is_orphan - Whether this file is a bad symlink, which points to a non-existent file
  • is_dummy - Whether the file is dummy, which fails to load complete metadata, possibly the filesystem doesn't support it, such as FUSE.
  • is_block - Whether this file is a block device
  • is_char - Whether this file is a character device
  • is_fifo - Whether this file is a fifo
  • is_sock - Whether this file is a socket
  • is_exec - Whether this file is executable
  • is_sticky - Whether this file has the sticky bit set
  • len - The length of this file, returns an integer representing the size in bytes. Note that it can't reflect the size of a directory, use size() instead
  • atime - The accessed time of this file in Unix timestamp, or nil if it doesn't have a valid time
  • btime - The birth time of this file in Unix timestamp, or nil if it doesn't have a valid time
  • mtime - The modified time of this file in Unix timestamp, or nil if it doesn't have a valid time

And methods:

  • perm() - Unix permissions of this file in string, e.g. drwxr-xr-x. For Windows, it's always nil

And the Unix only properties:

  • uid - The user id of this file
  • gid - The group id of this file
  • nlink - The number of hard links to this file



  • url - The Url of this file
  • cha - The Cha of this file
  • link_to - The Url of this file pointing to, if it's a symlink; otherwise, nil
  • name - The name of this file



  • text - The text of this icon
  • style - The Style of this icon




Create a Url:

-- regular file
local url = Url("/root/Downloads/logo.png")

-- `bgm.mp3` from the archive ``
local url = Url("archive:///root/")


  • frag - The fragment string of the url. Let's say the url archive:///root/, the fragment 1.jpg
  • is_regular - Whether the file represented by the url is a regular file
  • is_search - Whether the file represented by the url from the search result
  • is_archive - Whether the file represented by the url from an archive
  • is_absolute - Whether the path represented by the url is absolute
  • has_root - Whether the path represented by the url has a root


  • name() - Returns the filename in string if any, otherwise nil
  • stem() - Returns the filename without the extension in string if any, otherwise nil
  • join(url) - Joins with another Url or a string of url, returns a new Url
  • parent() - Returns parent directory Url if any, otherwise nil
  • starts_with(url) - Whether the url starts with another Url or a string of url
  • ends_with(url) - Whether the url ends with another Url or a string of url
  • strip_prefix(url) - Strips the prefix of another Url or a string of url, returns a new Url

Meta methods:

  • __eq(another_url)
  • __tostring()
  • __concat(string)



  • rows - The number of rows of this window
  • cols - The number of columns of this window
  • width - The width of this window in pixels
  • height - The height of this window in pixels

App data

You can access all app data through the cx within Sync context:


Visual mode status.


  • is_select - Whether the mode is select
  • is_unset - Whether the mode is unset
  • is_visual - Whether the mode is select or unset

Meta methods:

  • __tostring()



  • sort_by
  • sort_sensitive
  • sort_reverse
  • sort_dir_first
  • sort_translit
  • linemode
  • show_hidden

These properties are consistent with those in yazi.toml, and will not be detailed here.


Meta methods:

  • __len()
  • __pairs() - Iterate over the selected Urls.



  • skip - The number of units to skip. The units largely depend on your previewer, such as lines for code and percentages for videos.
  • folder - The folder::Folder being previewed, or nil if this preview is not for folders



  • cwd - The current working directory of this folder, which is a Url
  • offset - The offset of this folder, which is an integer
  • cursor - The cursor position of this folder, which is an integer
  • window - A table of File in the visible area of this folder
  • files - The folder::Files of this folder
  • hovered - The hovered File of this folder, or nil if there is no hovered file


Meta methods:


Based on File, with the following additional methods:

  • size() - The size of this file, returns an integer representing the size in bytes, or nil if its a directory and it has not been evaluated
  • mime() - The mime-type of this file, which is a string, or nil if it's a directory or hasn't been lazily calculated at all
  • prefix() - The prefix of this file relative to CWD, which used in the flat view during search. For instance, if CWD is /foo, and the file is /foo/bar/baz, then the prefix is bar/
  • icon() - The Icon of this file, [icon] rules are applied; if no rule matches, returns nil
  • style() - The Style of this file, [filetype] rules are applied; if no rule matches, returns nil
  • is_hovered() - Whether this file is hovered
  • is_yanked() - Whether this file is yanked
  • is_selected() - Whether this file is selected
  • found() - When users find a file using the find command, the status of the file - returns nil if it doesn't match the user's find keyword; otherwise, returns {idx, all}, where idx is the position of matched file, and all represents the number of all matched files.
  • highlights() - TODO



  • idx - The index of the active tab

Meta methods:

  • __len()
  • __index(idx) - Access the tab::Tab by index



  • mode - The tab::Mode of this tab.
  • conf - The tab::Config of this tab.
  • current - The current folder within this tab, which is a folder::Folder.
  • parent - The parent folder within this tab, which is a folder::Folder if current has a parent; otherwise, nil.
  • selected - The selected files within this tab, which is a tab::Selected.
  • preview - The tab::Preview within this tab.


  • name() - The name of this tab



  • progress - The progress of all tasks, which is a table:

    -- Number of tasks
    total = 0,
    succ = 0,
    fail = 0,

    -- Workload of tasks
    found = 0,
    processed = 0,


for idx, url in pairs(cx.yanked) do
-- ...

Meta methods:

  • __len()
  • __pairs() - Iterate over the yanked Urls.


  • is_cut - Whether the yanked urls are cut.