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Hide Yazi to the secondary screen by returning to the terminal, completely controlled by the requested plugin.

local permit = ya.hide()

This method returns a permit for this resource. When it's necessary to restore the TUI display, call its drop() method:


Note that since there's always only one available terminal control resource, ya.hide() cannot be called again before the previous permit is dropped, otherwise an error will be thrown, effectively avoiding deadlocks.

This function is only available in the async context.


Calculate the cached Url corresponding to the given file:

  • opts: Required, the options of the cache, which is a table:

    • file: The File to be cached.
    • skip: The number of units to skip. It's units largely depend on your previewer, such as lines for code, and percentages for videos.

If the file is not allowed to be cached, such as it's ignored in the user config, or the file itself is a cache, returns nil.


Re-render the UI, can only be used in the sync context, for example:

local update_state = ya.sync(function(self, new_state)
self.state = new_state

mgr_emit(cmd, args)

Send a command to the [manager] without waiting for the executor to execute:

  • cmd: Required, the command name, which is a string.
  • args: Required, the arguments of the command, which is a table with a number or string key and sendable values.
ya.mgr_emit("my-cmd", { "hello", 123, foo = true, bar_baz = "world" })

-- Equivalent to:
-- my-cmd "hello" "123" --foo --bar-baz="world"

If args contains userdata, it causes Ownership transfer.

image_show(url, rect)

Display the given image within the specified area, and the image will downscale to fit that area automatically:

  • url: Required, the Url of the image.
  • rect: Required, the Rect of the area.

This function is only available in the async context.

image_precache(src, dist)

Pre-cache the image to a specified url based on user-configured max_width and max_height:

  • src: Required, the source Url of the image.
  • dist: Required, the destination Url of the image.

This function is only available in the async context.


Prompt users with a set of available keys:

  • opts: Required, the options of the prompt, which is a table:
    • cands: Required, the key candidates, which is a table of tables that contains the following fields:
      • on: Required, the key to be prompted, which is a string or a table of strings if multiple keys.
      • desc: Optional, the description of the key, which is a string.
    • silent: Optional, whether to show the UI of key indicator, which is a boolean.
local cand = ya.which {
cands = {
{ on = "a" },
{ on = "b", desc = "optional description" },
{ on = "<C-c>", desc = "key combination" },
{ on = { "d", "e" }, desc = "multiple keys" },
-- silent = true, -- If you don't want to show the UI of key indicator

When the user clicks a valid candidate, ya.which returns the 1-based index of that cand; otherwise, it returns nil, indicating that the user has canceled the key operation.

This function is only available in the async context.


Request user input:

  • opts: Required, the options of the input, which is a table:
    • title: Required, the title of the input, which is a string.
    • value: Optional, the default value of the input, which is a string.
    • position: Required, the position of the input, which is a table:
      • 1: Required, the origin position of the input, which is a string accepts "top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right", "center", and "hovered".
      • x: Optional, the X offset from the origin position, which is an positive or negative integer.
      • y: Optional, the Y offset from the origin position, which is an positive or negative integer.
      • w: Required, the width of the input, which is an positive integer.
      • h: Optional, the height of the input, which is an positive integer.
    • realtime: Optional, whether to report user input in real time, which is a boolean.
    • debounce: Optional, the number of seconds to wait for the user to stop typing, which is a positive float. Can only be used when realtime = true.
local value, event = ya.input {
title = "Archive name:",
position = { "top-center", y = 3, w = 40 },

Returns (value, event):

  • value: The user input value carried by this event, which is a string if the event is non-zero; otherwise, nil.
  • event: The event type, which is an integer:
    • 0: Unknown error.
    • 1: The user has confirmed the input.
    • 2: The user has canceled the input.
    • 3: The user has changed the input (only if realtime is true).

When realtime = true specified, ya.input() returns a receiver, which has a recv() method that can be called multiple times to receive events.

local input = ya.input {
title = "Input in realtime:",
position = { "center", w = 50 },
realtime = true,

while true do
local value, event = input:recv()
if not value then


This function is only available in the async context.


Send a foreground notification to the user:

  • opts: Required, the options of the notification, which is a table:
    • title: Required, the title of the notification, which is a string.
    • content: Required, the content of the notification, which is a string.
    • timeout: Required, the timeout of the notification, which is an non-negative float in seconds.
    • level: Optional, the level of the notification, which is a string accepts "info", "warn", and "error". Default is "info".
ya.notify {
title = "Hello, World!",
content = "This is a notification from Lua!",
timeout = 6.5,
-- level = "info",

dbg(msg, ...)

Append messages to the log file at the debug level:

  • msg: Required, the message to be logged.
ya.dbg("Hello", "World!")                       -- Multiple arguments are supported
ya.dbg({ foo = "bar", baz = 123, qux = true }) -- Any type of data is supported

err(msg, ...)

Append messages to the log file at the error level:

  • msg: Required, the message to be logged.
ya.err("Hello", "World!")                       -- Multiple arguments are supported
ya.err({ foo = "bar", baz = 123, qux = true }) -- Any type of data is supported


Preview the file as code into the specified area:

  • opts: Required, the options of the preview, which is a table:
    • area: Rect of the available preview area.
    • file: File to be previewed.
    • mime: String of the MIME type of the file.
    • skip: Number of units to skip. The units depend on your previewer, such as lines for code and percentages for videos.

Returns (err, upper_bound):

  • err: Error string if the preview fails; otherwise, nil.
  • upper_bound: If the preview fails and it's because exceeds the maximum upper bound, return this bound; otherwise, nil.

This function is only available in the async context.

preview_widgets(opts, widgets)

  • opts: Required, the options of the preview, which is a table:
    • area: Rect of the available preview area.
    • file: File to be previewed.
    • mime: String of the MIME type of the file.
    • skip: Number of units to skip. The units depend on your previewer, such as lines for code and percentages for videos.
  • widgets: List of renderable widgets, such as { ui.Text {...}, ui.List {...}, ... }.

This function is only available in the async context.


See Async context.


Returns a string describing the specific operating system in use. Some possible values:

  • "linux"
  • "macos"
  • "ios"
  • "freebsd"
  • "dragonfly"
  • "netbsd"
  • "openbsd"
  • "solaris"
  • "android"
  • "windows"


Returns the family of the operating system. Some possible values:

  • "unix"
  • "windows"
  • "wasm"


ya.hash("Hello, World!")

Returns the hash of a given string:

  • str: Required, the string to calculate the hash for.

It is designed to work with algorithm-independent tasks, such as generating file cache names.

The current implementation uses MD5, but it will be replaced with a faster hash algorithm, like xxHash, in the future. So, don't rely on this implementation detail.


local handle = io.popen("ls " .. ya.quote(filename))

Quote characters that may have special meaning in a shell:

  • str: Required, the string to be quoted.

truncate(text, opts)

Truncate the text to the specified length and return it:

  • text: Required, the text to be truncated, which is a string.
  • opts: Required, the options of the truncation, which is a table:
    • max: Required, the maximum length of the text, which is an integer.
    • rtl: Optional, whether the text is right-to-left, which is a boolean.


Get or set the content of the system clipboard.

  • text: Optional, value to be set, which is a string. If not provided, the content of the clipboard will be returned.
-- Get contents from the clipboard
local content = ya.clipboard()

-- Set contents to the clipboard
ya.clipboard("new content")

This function is only available in the async context.


Returns the current timestamp, which is a float, the integer part represents the seconds, and the decimal part represents the milliseconds.


Waits until secs has elapsed:

  • secs: Required, the number of seconds to sleep, which is a positive float.
ya.sleep(0.5)  -- Sleep for 500 milliseconds

This function is only available in the async context.


Only available on Unix-like systems. Returns the user id of the current user, which is an integer.


Only available on Unix-like systems. Returns the group id of the current user, which is an integer.


Get the name of the user:

  • uid: Optional, the user id of the user, which is an integer. If not set, it will use the current user's id.

Returns the name of the current user, which is a string if successful; otherwise, nil.

This function is only available on Unix-like systems.


Get the name of the user group:

  • gid: Optional, the group id of the user, which is an integer. If not set, it will use the current user's group id.

Returns the name of the current group, which is a string if successful; otherwise, nil.

This function is only available on Unix-like systems.


Only available on Unix-like systems. Returns the hostname of the current machine, which is a string if successful; otherwise, nil.


Yazi's DDS (Data Distribution Service) uses a Lua-based publish-subscribe model as its carrier. That is, you can achieve cross-instance communication and state persistence through the ps API. See DDS for details.

The following functions can only be used within a sync context.

pub(kind, value)"greeting", "Hello, World!")

Publish a message to the current instance, and all plugins subscribed through sub() for this kind will receive it, achieving internal communication within the instance:

  • kind: Required, the kind of the message, which is a string of alphanumeric with dashes, and cannot be built-in kinds.
  • value: Required, the value of the message, which is a sendable value. If it's a userdata, it causes Ownership transfer.

Since the kind is used globally, to add the plugin name as the prefix is a best practice. For example, the combination of the plugin my-plugin and the kind event1 would be my-plugin-event1.

pub_to(receiver, kind, value)

ps.pub_to(1711957283332834, "greeting", "Hello, World!")

Publish a message to a specific instance with receiver as the ID:

  • If the receiver is the current instance (local), and is subscribed to this kind through sub(), it will receive this message.
  • If the receiver is not the current instance (remote), and is subscribed to this kind through sub_remote(), it will receive this message.


  • receiver: Required, ID of the remote instance, which is an integer; if it's 0 then broadcasting to all remote instances.
  • kind: The same as pub().
  • value: The same as pub().

sub(kind, callback)

ps.sub("cd", function(body)
ya.err("New cwd",

Subscribe to local messages of kind and call the callback handler for it:

  • kind: Required, the kind of the message, which is a string.
  • callback: Required, the callback function, with a single parameter body containing the content of the message.

It runs in a sync context, so you can access app data via cx for the content of interest.

Note: No time-consuming operations should be done in the callback, and the same kind from the same plugin can only be subscribed once, re-subscribing (sub()) before unsubscribing (unsub()) will throw an error.

sub_remote(kind, callback)

Similar to sub(), but it subscribes to remote messages of this kind instead of local.



Unsubscribe from local messages of this kind:

  • kind: Required, the kind of the message, which is a string.



Unsubscribe from remote messages of this kind:

  • kind: Required, the kind of the message, which is a string.


The following functions can only be used within an async context.


local url, err = fs.cwd()

This function was added to compensate for the lack of a getcwd in Lua; it is used to retrieve the directory of the last chdir call.

Returns (url, err):

  • url: The Url of the current working directory if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

You probably will never need it, and more likely, you'll need, which is the current directory where the user is working.

Specifically, when the user changes the directory, gets updated immediately, while synchronizing this update with the filesystem via chdir involves I/O operations, such as checking if the directory is valid.

So, there may be some delay, which is particularly noticeable on slow devices. For example, when an HDD wakes up from sleep, it typically takes 3~4 seconds.

It is useful if you just need a valid directory as the CWD of a process to start some work that doesn't depend on the CWD.

cha(url, follow)

local cha, err = fs.cha(url)

Get the Cha of the specified file:

  • url: Required, the Url of the file.
  • follow: Optional, whether to follow the symbolic link, which is a boolean.

Returns (cha, err):

  • cha: The Cha of the file if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

write(url, data)

local ok, err = fs.write(url, "hello world")

Write data to the specified file:

  • url: Required, the Url of the file.
  • data: Required, the data to be written, which is a string.

Returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

create(type, url)

local ok, err = fs.create("dir_all", Url("/tmp/test/nest/nested"))

Create the specified file(s) in the filesystem.

  • type: Required, the type of creation, which can be:
    • "dir": Creates a new, empty directory.
    • "dir_all": Recursively create a directory and all of its parents if they are missing.
  • url: Required, the Url of the target.

Returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

remove(type, url)

local ok, err = fs.remove("file", Url("/tmp/test.txt"))

Remove the specified file(s) from the filesystem:

  • type: Required, the type of removal, which can be:
    • "file": Removes a file from the filesystem.
    • "dir": Removes an existing, empty directory.
    • "dir_all": Removes a directory at this url, after removing all its contents. Use carefully!
    • "dir_clean": Remove all empty directories under it, and if the directory itself is empty afterward, remove it as well.
  • url: Required, the Url of the target.

Returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

read_dir(url, options)

local files, err = fs.read_dir("url", { limit = 10 })

Reads the contents of a directory:

  • url: Required, the Url of the directory.
  • options: Optional, a table with the following options:
    • glob: A glob pattern to filter files out if provided.
    • limit: The maximum number of files to read, which is an integer, defaults to unlimited.
    • resolve: Whether to resolve symbolic links, defaults to false.

Returns (files, err):

  • files: A table of File if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local url, err = fs.unique_name(Url("/tmp/test.txt"))

Get a unique name from the given Url to ensure it's unique in the filesystem:

  • url: Required, the Url of the path to get a unique name.

Returns (url, err):

  • url: The unique Url of the given path if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

If the file already exists, the function will append _n to the filename, where n is a number, and keep incrementing it until it finds the first available name.


You can invoke external programs through:

local child, err = Command("ls")
:args({ "-a", "-l" })

Compared to Lua's os.execute, it provides many comprehensive and convenient methods, and the entire process is async.

It takes better advantage of the benefits of concurrent scheduling. However, it can only be used in async contexts, such as preloaders, previewers, and async functional plugins.


local cmd = Command("ls"):arg("-a"):arg("-l")

Append an argument to the command:

  • arg: Required, the argument to be appended, which is a string.

Returns self.


local cmd = Command("ls"):args({ "-a", "-l" }):args({ "-h" })

Append multiple arguments to the command:

  • args: Required, the arguments to be appended, which is a table of strings.

Returns self.


local cmd = Command("ls"):cwd("/root")

Set the current working directory of the command:

  • dir: Required, the directory of the command, which is a string.

Returns self.

env(key, value)

local cmd = Command("ls"):env("PATH", "/bin"):env("HOME", "/home")

Append an environment variable to the command:

  • key: Required, the key of the environment variable, which is a string.
  • value: Required, the value of the environment variable, which is a string.

Returns self.


local cmd = Command("ls"):stdin(Command.PIPED)

Set the stdin of the command:

  • cfg: Required, the configuration of the stdin, accepts the following values:
    • Command.PIPED: Pipe the stdin.
    • Command.NULL: Discard the stdin.
    • Command.INHERIT: Inherit the stdin.

If not set, the stdin will be null. Returns self.


local cmd = Command("ls"):stdout(Command.PIPED)

Set the stdout of the command:

  • cfg: Required, the configuration of the stdout, accepts the following values:
    • Command.PIPED: Pipe the stdout.
    • Command.NULL: Discard the stdout.
    • Command.INHERIT: Inherit the stdout.

If not set, the stdout will be null. Returns self.


local cmd = Command("ls"):stderr(Command.PIPED)

Set the stderr of the command:

  • cfg: Required, the configuration of the stderr, accepts the following values:
    • Command.PIPED: Pipe the stderr.
    • Command.NULL: Discard the stderr.
    • Command.INHERIT: Inherit the stderr.

If not set, the stderr will be null. Returns self.


local child, err = Command("ls"):spawn()

Spawn the command, returns (child, err):

  • child: The Child of the command if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local output, err = Command("ls"):output()

Spawn the command and wait for it to finish, returns (output, err):

  • output: The Output of the command if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local status, err = Command("ls"):status()

Executes the command as a child process, waiting for it to finish and collecting its exit status. Returns (status, err):

  • status: The Status of the child process if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


This object is created by Command:spawn() and represents a running child process.

You can access the runtime data of this process through its proprietary methods.


local data, event = child:read(1024)

Let's say "available data source" refers to stdout or stderr that has been set with Command.PIPED, or them both.

read() reads data from the available data source alternately, and the event indicates the source of the data:

  • The data comes from stdout if event is 0.
  • The data comes from stderr if event is 1.
  • There's no data to read from both stdout and stderr, if event is 2.


local line, event = child:read_line()

Similar to read(), but it reads data line by line.


local line, event = child:read_line_with { timeout = 500 }

Similar to read_line(), but it accepts a table of options:

  • timeout: Required, timeout in milliseconds, which is an integer

And includes the following additional events:

  • Timeout if event is 3.


local ok, err = child:write_all(src)

Writes all bytes from the string src to the stdin of the child process, returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

Please ensure that the child's stdin is available when calling this method, specifically:

  1. stdin(Command.PIPED) is set.
  2. take_stdin() has never been called.

Otherwise, an error will be thrown.


local ok, err = child:flush()

Flushes any buffered data to the stdin of the child process, returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.

Please ensure that the child's stdin is available when calling this method, specifically:

  1. stdin(Command.PIPED) is set.
  2. take_stdin() has never been called.

Otherwise, an error will be thrown.


local status, err = child:wait()

Wait for the child process to finish, returns (status, err):

  • status: The Status of the child process if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local output, err = child:wait_with_output()

Wait for the child process to finish and get the output, returns (output, err):

  • output: The Output of the child process if successful; otherwise, nil.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local ok, err = child:start_kill()

Send a SIGTERM signal to the child process, returns (ok, err):

  • ok: Whether the operation is successful, which is a boolean.
  • err: The error if the operation is failed, which is an Error.


local stdin = child:take_stdin()

Take and return the stdin stream of the child process, which can only be called once and is only applicable to processes with stdin(Command.PIPED) set; otherwise, it returns nil.


local stderr = child:take_stdout()

Take and return the stdout stream of the child process, which can only be called once and is only applicable to processes with stdout(Command.PIPED) set; otherwise, it returns nil.

This is useful when redirecting stdout to another process's stdin:

local echo = Command("echo"):arg("Hello"):stdout(Command.PIPED):spawn()

local rev = Command("rev"):stdin(echo:take_stdout()):stdout(Command.PIPED):output()

ya.err(rev.stdout) -- "olleH\n"


local stderr = child:take_stderr()

Take and return the stderr stream of the child process, which can only be called once and is only applicable to processes with stderr(Command.PIPED) set; otherwise, it returns nil.

See take_stdout() for an example.



  • status: The Status of the child process.
  • stdout: The stdout of the child process, which is a string.
  • stderr: The stderr of the child process, which is a string.


This object represents the exit status of a child process, and it is created by wait(), or output().


  • success: whether the child process exited successfully, which is a boolean.
  • code: the exit code of the child process, which is an integer if any.